Thank you for your interest in my project. I found enough proofreaders by now, so I’m closing the application.
Would you like to help me? I am looking for native English people who would like to proofread my book. The translation of my first book is ready and must be checked for spelling, grammar, syntax, punctuation, word choice, etc. The story consists of 95,000 words. I don’t expect you to finish this in a couple of days, ofcourse. But I want to stick to a deadline of about 30 days.
- To participate you need to be at least a native speaking or have huge experience in the English language.
- You don’t mind the deadline of 30 days
- You will receive compensation or consideration in the form of a free copy of the exclusively printed hardcover, you name will be in the ’thank you’ section of book and you will receive other bonuses, as you would expect from Dizary.
- Multiple books of Project Dizary will be translated and payment for future proofreading might be possible.
- You have a reliable background and can somehow prove that you will be 100% discreet and will never share the text with others.
To participate, contact Patrick at: info (at)
(to prevent spam I left out the @ sign. You have to fill it in yourself)

About Dizary
Dizary – The Living System by Patrick Berkhof was published in the Dutch language in 2016. Since its release Dizary has become a project involving multiple writers – all writing in the same labyrinth fantasy world. In October 2020 the 5th book for the project was released by Patrick. In 2021 two more writers will join the team, creating the 6th and 7th book in this amazing fantasy wold.

Synopsis Dizary – The Living System
Six strangers meet at the mysterious guild of Courage and Deed. They have their secrets, but strangely enough they also have something in common – a magical punishment sign, a Maark on their right hand. This sign will kill them in seven days, unless they do a good deed for the guild. But what’s good enough? Should they rescue a cat out of a tree or keep the whole world from going down?
Ileas and Arak have never in their lives fought with possessed souls or monsters. Fulfilling their assignments is not easy and it puts a strain on their friendship. The labyrinthine world of Dizary, with its countless layers of confusing roads, unnecessary bridges and dark tunnels, doesn’t make things easy. This thrilling adventure to the last page is a completed story.
“Patrick portrays an extraordinarily original world in his story, science fantasy, but not quite that either. You continue to be amazed. Literally behind and especially under every corner, something new pops up. His humor is at times hilarious colderic, but it skilfully avoids killing the constantly growing tension for a moment. Well influenced by Terry Pratchett, but without even a crumb of theft. “Eisso Post.